St. Peter's Church Choral Evensong Services
St. Peter's Church Choral Evensongs are on the second Sunday of the month.
Sunday 9 October 2022 at 6pm.
Choral Evensong Music
Hymns: 369 413 42
Introit: Let thy merciful ears - Mudd
Psalm: 144
Canticles: Bairstow in G
Anthem: The Secret of Christ - Richard Shepherd
Choral Evensong Music
Hymns: 369 413 42
Introit: Let thy merciful ears - Mudd
Psalm: 144
Canticles: Bairstow in G
Anthem: The Secret of Christ - Richard Shepherd
Sunday 8 May 2022 at 6pm.
Choral Evensong Music
Hymns: 747 628 702
Introit: Evening Hymn of Charles I - Henry Ley Responses: Gibson
Psalm: 113 114
Canticles: Noble in B minor
Anthem: Thou wilt keep him -Wesley NCAB p.488
Choral Evensong Music
Hymns: 747 628 702
Introit: Evening Hymn of Charles I - Henry Ley Responses: Gibson
Psalm: 113 114
Canticles: Noble in B minor
Anthem: Thou wilt keep him -Wesley NCAB p.488
Sunday 10 April 2022 at 6pm.
Choral Evensong Music
Hymns: 740 364 521
Introit: Hosanna to the Son of David - Luc Jakobs
Responses: Gibson
Psalm: 69 v.1-20
Canticles: Walmisley in D minor
Anthem: Lie still - Bach
Choral Evensong Music
Hymns: 740 364 521
Introit: Hosanna to the Son of David - Luc Jakobs
Responses: Gibson
Psalm: 69 v.1-20
Canticles: Walmisley in D minor
Anthem: Lie still - Bach
Sunday 13 March 2022 at 6pm.
Choral Evensong Music
Hymns: 702 413 334
Introit: Hide not thou thy face - Farrant NCAB p.151
Responses: Sylvia Pritchard
Psalm: 135
Canticles: Ley in A minor
Anthem: Though I speak - Bairstow FB 1978
Choral Evensong Music
Hymns: 702 413 334
Introit: Hide not thou thy face - Farrant NCAB p.151
Responses: Sylvia Pritchard
Psalm: 135
Canticles: Ley in A minor
Anthem: Though I speak - Bairstow FB 1978
Sunday 13 February 2022 at 6pm.
Choral Evensong Music
Hymns: 75 547 201
Introit: O Lord my God - Wesley NCAB P.288
Responses: Reading
Psalm: 6
Canticles: Stanford in G
Anthem: Evening Hymn - Balfour-Gardiner
Choral Evensong Music
Hymns: 75 547 201
Introit: O Lord my God - Wesley NCAB P.288
Responses: Reading
Psalm: 6
Canticles: Stanford in G
Anthem: Evening Hymn - Balfour-Gardiner
Sunday 9 January 2022 at 6pm.
Choral Evensong Music
Hymns: 120 580 413
Introit: Lord when the Wise Men came - Trad. French arr. E. Routley
Responses: Smith
Psalm: 46
Canticles: Stanford in B flat
Anthem: The Three kings - Peter Cornelius
Choral Evensong Music
Hymns: 120 580 413
Introit: Lord when the Wise Men came - Trad. French arr. E. Routley
Responses: Smith
Psalm: 46
Canticles: Stanford in B flat
Anthem: The Three kings - Peter Cornelius
Sunday 12 December 2021 at 6pm.
Choral Evensong Music
Hymns: 638 506 465
Introit: Adam lay y bounden
Responses: Smith
Psalm: 50 v.1-6
Canticles: Fauxbourdon Service - Morley
Anthem: Othou the central orb - Wood
Voluntary: Fugue on the Magnificat - J.S.Bach
Choral Evensong Music
Hymns: 638 506 465
Introit: Adam lay y bounden
Responses: Smith
Psalm: 50 v.1-6
Canticles: Fauxbourdon Service - Morley
Anthem: Othou the central orb - Wood
Voluntary: Fugue on the Magnificat - J.S.Bach
Sunday 14 November 2021 at 6pm.
Choral Evensong Music
Hymns: 638 747 743
Introit: The Souls of the righteous - Stanley Marchant NCAB p.454
Responses: Smith
Psalm: 95
Canticles: Weelkes - Short Service
Anthem: In Pace - Blitheman
Choral Evensong Music
Hymns: 638 747 743
Introit: The Souls of the righteous - Stanley Marchant NCAB p.454
Responses: Smith
Psalm: 95
Canticles: Weelkes - Short Service
Anthem: In Pace - Blitheman
Sunday 10 October 2021 at 6pm.
Choral Evensong Music
Hymns: 556 687 643
Introit: Oculi omnium - Wood
Responses: Smith
Psalm: 129 and 130
Canticles: Walmisley in D minor
Anthem: Expectans expectavi - Wood
Choral Evensong Music
Hymns: 556 687 643
Introit: Oculi omnium - Wood
Responses: Smith
Psalm: 129 and 130
Canticles: Walmisley in D minor
Anthem: Expectans expectavi - Wood
Sunday 12 September 2021 at 6pm.
Choral Evensong Music
Hymns: 390 33 454
Introit: O Praise the Lord - Batten Responses: Byrd
Psalm: 65
Canticles: Wood in E flat
Anthem: Praise him - J.S.Bach
Choral Evensong Music
Hymns: 390 33 454
Introit: O Praise the Lord - Batten Responses: Byrd
Psalm: 65
Canticles: Wood in E flat
Anthem: Praise him - J.S.Bach
Sunday 11 July
The will be no Choral Evensong this month due to Covid restrictions on the number of singers who can participate.
The will be no Choral Evensong this month due to Covid restrictions on the number of singers who can participate.
Sunday 13th June
The will be no Choral Evensong this month due to Covid restrictions on the number of singers who can participate.
The will be no Choral Evensong this month due to Covid restrictions on the number of singers who can participate.
Our first Choral Evensong is on Sunday 9 May 2021 at 6pm.
Choral Evensong Music
Hymns: 242 364 6
Introit: Christ the Lord is risen again - Foster NOEAB p.39
Responses: Gibson Psalm: 104 v24 - end Canticles: Stanford in B flat
Anthem: Geistliches Lied - Brahms
Voluntary: Fugue in D major (BWV 532) - J.S.Bach
Choral Evensong Music
Hymns: 242 364 6
Introit: Christ the Lord is risen again - Foster NOEAB p.39
Responses: Gibson Psalm: 104 v24 - end Canticles: Stanford in B flat
Anthem: Geistliches Lied - Brahms
Voluntary: Fugue in D major (BWV 532) - J.S.Bach